Monday, October 13, 2008

A New Day

o.k., so I really stink at this computer stuff, but I am trying...this is my first blog and I'm still working on it. Life, hummmmmmmmmm...well, God has been good to me even though I'm a sinner. Daily, I've had to just say lately, Empty me God so I can be full of you. This is my one true desire.
Well, as far as the weekend was very nice. We spent some time celebrating our friends 40th B-day(the name withheld to protect His identity)ha, was kinda like a this is your life thing. His parents were there and they had lots of pictures(we really change when we get older).They had great stories to tell and it was very enjoyable to get to know them. The one thing we all had in common was our faith in Jesus Christ. What a fun time!
So, Sunday was church and what a great group of Girls I teach. They were actually interested in learning more about the Laws from Leviticus. Praise God for a hunger for knowledge! That pretty much took care of the weekend. So this is going to be a busy work week for me...I'll try to get this up.


Michelle said...

Welcome to the blogging world! It really is a great way to keep up with friends & family and what's going on in their lives. I post when I can on my own blog, but I do keep up with my family by reading their blogs. And if you're wondering how I found you... I read Jeremy's blog. LOL

I'll be checking back. ;)

~ Shelly

Shaw6pak said...

How did you manage to sneak in a blog and not tell me!!! HUH! Some friend you are. I found you completely by accident. Well, I am glad I did. Be sure to post often. I love to read these blogs.

Love ya bunches and bunches,

Unknown said...

Yeah!!!! you are a blogger now :)
This post is great, it is you and whatever you want to share. You will probably find yourself with a lot to say, God will put things in your heart that you just can't keep to yourself.

Shine on sister, let the good things God does for you flow. Looking forward to dropping by to see what is going on in your life.

Sisters in Christ
Dot (~)